Dry Dock Brewery is quickly becoming one of my favorite Micro-brews. While there location inside of a strip mall in Aurora is nothing to be envious of, there atmosphere is. A true draft house, the only food offered here is fresh popcorn. Feel free to order a pizza or bring in your own grinders, and listen to some live music that plays on friday and saturday nights. 

If you didn't guess by the name, dry dock, this brewery has a nautical theme. All of there beers are named after nautical themes and the inside of the bar is decorated as such. Since winning the small brewery of the year at the Great American Beer Festival, Dry Dock has continued to grow and create new beers. With over 14 beers and a 1,400 barrels per year capacity you won't be disappointed.Don't walk out of this bar without trying their 7 seas double I.PA., especially if you are a hop head like me.

Dry Dock Brewery

Must have Beers!
Seven Sees I.P.A :

Pours a hazy medium golden with a nice white head. Aroma is floral hops. This beer is pretty hoppy, but also has a nice creamy texture and a bit of sweetness. This beer is by no means crisp in the mouth so it might be a bit hard to drink on a hot day, but the smooth creamy texture works for it. If you are an IPA fan this one is worth trying.